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But they weren't British, he wanted to tell them: not _really_, not in any way he could recognize. And yet his old certainties were slipping away by the moment, along with his old life. . . "Where's the telephone?" he demanded. "I've got to make some calls." It was in the hall; Anahita, raiding her savings, lent him the coins. His head wrapped in a borrowed turban, his body concealed in borrowed trousers (Jumpy"s) and Mishal's shoes, Chamcha dialled the past. "Chamcha," said the voice of Mimi Mamoulian. "You're dead." This happened while he was away: Mimi blacked out and lost her teeth. "A whiteout is what it was," she told him, speaking more harshly than usual because of difficulty with her jaw. "A reason why? Don't ask. Who can ask for reason in these times? What's your number?" she added as the pips went. "I'll call you right back." But it was a full five minutes before she did. "I took a leak. You have a reason why you're alive? Why the waters parted for you and the other guy but closed over the rest? Don't tell me you were worthier. People don't buy that nowadays, not even you, Chamcha. I was walking down Oxford Street looking for crocodile shoes when it happened: out cold in mid-stride and I fell forward like a tree, landed on the point of my chin and all the teeth fell out on the sidewalk in front of the man doing findthe-lady. People can be thoughtful, Chamcha. When I came to I found my teeth in a little pile next to my face. I opened my eyes and saw the little bastards staring at me, wasn't that nice? First thing I thought, thank God, I've got the money. I had them stitched back in, privately of course, great job, better than before. So I've been taking a break for a while. The voiceover business is in bad shape, let me tell you, what with you dying and my teeth, we just have no sense of responsibility. Standards have been lowered, Chamcha. Turn on the TV, listen to radio, you should hear how corny the pizza commercials, the beer ads with the Cherman accents from Central Casting, the Martians eating potato powder and sounding like they came from the Moon. They fired us from _The Aliens Show_. Get well soon. Incidentally, you might say the same for me." So he had lost work as well as wife, home, a grip on life. "It's not just the dentals that go wrong," Mimi powered on. "The fucking plosives scare me stupid. I keep thinking I'll spray the old bones on the street again. Age, Chamcha: it's all humiliations. You get born, you get beaten up and bruised all over and finally you break and they shovel you into an urn. Anyway, if I never work again I'll die comfortable. Did you know I'm with Billy Battuta now? That's right, how could you, you've been swimming. Yeah, I gave up waiting for you so I cradlesnatched one of your ethnic co-persons. You can take it as a compliment. Now I gots to run. Nice talking to the dead, Chamcha. Next time dive from the low board. Toodle oo." I am by nature an inward man, he said silently into the disconnected phone. I have struggled, in my fashion, to find my way towards an appreciation of the high things, towards a small measure of fineness. On good days I felt it was within my grasp, somewhere within me, somewhere within. But it eluded me. I have become embroiled, in things, in the world and its messes, and I cannot resist. The grotesque has me, as before the quotidian had me, in its thrall. The sea gave me up; the land drags me down. He was sliding down a grey slope, the black water lapping at his heart. Why did rebirth, the second chance granted to Gibreel Farishta and himself, feel so much, in his case, like a perpetual ending? He had been reborn into the knowledge of death; and the inescapability of change, of things-never-the-same, of noway-back, made him afraid. When you lose the past you're naked in front of contemptuous Azraeel, the death-angel. Hold on if you can, he told himself. Cling to yesterdays. Leave your nail-marks in the grey slope as you slide. Billy Battuta: that worthless piece of shit. Playboy Pakistani, turned an unremarkable holiday business -- _Battuta's Travels_ -- into a fleet of supertankers. A con--man, basically, famous for his romances with leading ladies of the Hindi screen and, according to gossip, for his predilection for white women with enormous breasts and plenty of rump, whom he "treated badly", as the euphemism had it, and "rewarded handsomely". What did Mimi want with bad Billy, his sexual instruments and his Maserati Biturbo? For boys like Battuta, white women -- never mind fat, Jewish, non-deferential white women -- were for fucking and throwing over. What one hates in whites -- love of brown sugar -- one must also hate when it turns up, inverted, in black. Bigotry is not only a function of power. Mimi telephoned the next evening from New York. Anahita called him to the phone in her best damnyankee tones, and he struggled into his disguise. When he got there she had rung off, but she rang back. "Nobody pays transatlantic prices for hanging on." "Mimi," he said, with desperation patent in his voice, "you didn't say you were leaving." "You didn't even tell me your damn address," she responded. "So we both have secrets." He wanted to say, Mimi, come home, you're going to get kicked. "I introduced him to the family," she said, too jokily. "You can imagine. Yassir Arafat meets the Begins. Never mind. We'll all live." He wanted to say, Mimi, you're all I've got. He managed, however, only to piss her off. "I wanted to warn you about Billy," was what he said. She went icy. "Chamcha, listen up. I'll discuss this with you one time because behind all your bulishit you do maybe care for me a little. So comprehend, please, that I am an intelligent female. I have read _Finnegans Wake_ and am conversant with postmodernist critiques of the West, e.g. that we have here a society capable only of pastiche: a 'flattened' world. When I become the voice of a bottle of bubble bath, I am entering Flatland knowingly, understanding what I'm doing and why. Viz., I am earning cash. And as an intelligent woman, able to do fifteen minutes on Stoicism and more on Japanese cinema, I say to you, Chamcha, that I am fully aware of Billy boy's rep. Don't teach me about exploitation. We had exploitation when youplural were running round in skins. Try being Jewish, female and ugly sometime. You'll beg to be black. Excuse my French: brown." "You concede, then, that he's exploiting you," Chamcha interposed, but the torrent swept him away. "What's the fuckin" diff?" she trilled in her Tweetie Pie voice. "Billy's a funny boy, a natural scam artist, one of the greats. Who knows for how long this is? I'll tell you some notions I do not require: patriotism, God and love. Definitely not wanted on the voyage. I like Billy because he knows the score." "Mimi," he said, "something's happened to me," but she was still protesting too much and missed it. He put the receiver down without giving her his address. She rang him once more, a few weeks later, and by now the unspoken precedents had been set; she didn't ask for, he didn't give his whereabouts, and it was plain to them both that an age had ended, they had drifted apart, it was time to wave goodbye. It was still all Billy with Mimi: his plans to make Hindi movies in England and America, importing the top stars, Vinod Khanna, Sridevi, to cavort in front of Bradford Town Hall and the Golden Gate Bridge -- "it's some sort of tax dodge, obviously," Mimi carolled gaily. In fact, things were heating up for Billy; Chamcha had seen his name in the papers, coupled with the terms _fraud squad_ and _tax evasion_, but once a scam man, always a ditto, Mimi said. "So he says to me, do you want a mink? I say, Billy, don't buy me things, but he says, who's talking about buying? Have a mink. It's business." They had been in New York again, and Billy had hired a stretched Mercedes limousine "and a stretched chauffeur also". Arriving at the furriers, they looked like an oil sheikh and his moll. Mimi tried on the five figure numbers, waiting for Billy's lead. At length he said, You like that one? It's nice. Billy, she whispered, it's _forty thousand_, but he was already smooth-talking the assistant: it was Friday afternoon, the banks were closed, would the store take a cheque. "Well, by now they know he's an oil sheikh, so they say yes, we leave with the coat, and he takes me into another store right around the block, points to the coat, and says, Ijust bought this for forty thousand dollars, here's the receipt, will you give me thirty for it, I need the cash, big weekend ahead." -- Mimi and Billy had been kept waiting while the second store rang the first, where all the alarm bells went off in the manager's brain, and five minutes later the police arrived, arrested Billy for passing a dud cheque, and he and Mimi spent the weekend in jail. On Monday morning the banks opened and it turned out that Billy's account was in credit to the tune of forty-two thousand, one hundred and seventeen dollars, so the cheque had been good all the time. He informed the furriers of his intention to sue them for two million dollars damages, defamation of character, open and shut case, and within forty-eight hours they settled out of court for $250,000 on the nail. "Don't you love him?" Mimi asked Chamcha. "The boy's a genius. I mean, this was _class_."
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